User Exp.

Airport App


Bangalore Airport Mobile Application

Consultation Research UI & UX iOS and Android
The Bangalore International Airport Application is primarily a platform to create a smart airport that users can interact in real-time with eventually all aspects of their transit through the airport at Bangalore. Enhance the passenger experience and improve operational efficiency was the ultimate goal.


The company initially approached us with the intention of updating their website which was their only online presence at the time. During one of the initial meetings I was part of, We suggested creating an application that goes beyond the static communication a website can generate. The company took positively to our suggestions, we developed a smart platform for live user interaction with margin to add more features as the airport develops. The platform we designed is adaptable in multiple ways, it is linked with beacons throughout the terminal which can be utilised for indoor navigation, tracking users, etc. The main challenge of the project was carrying out our own ground research as no previous data existed that could support the project. However, this generated a lot of opportunities to visit the terminals at the airport and experience field work. The application was well received and featured in newspapers across the country and even on some airport magazines across the globe. Following the project we were invited to advise on the planning for terminal 2 of Bangalore Airport which is due to be built by 2022, aiming to be a futuristic and smart airport.

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